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Numbers overview

This feature helps to keep track of important facts and figures and allows you to easily reference them when writing.

Philip Deng avatar
Written by Philip Deng
Updated over 4 months ago

What's our tax ID number again? There are a lot of facts and figures to keep track of in grant-seeking, which is why we created the Numbers area in Grantable to help you organize and reference key knowledge. Here's how it works:

Navigate to the Numbers area

From your home screen, use the left side menu to navigate to the Numbers section of your account.

Use the green New button in the upper right corner of the screen to access your options for adding new numbers and information.

Manually add a new number

To manually add a new data point, select the + New number option.

Give the new data point a Name and Value and click save.

Upload data points from .csv file

You may also use this template to upload numbers in bulk from a spreadsheet in .csv format.

Fill out the form with the Names and corresponding Values.

Click the green New button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the option Upload CSV of numbers.

Select the .csv file, upload, and your numbers will appear once they have finished processing.

Extract numbers from a file

You may also use AI to help you extract data points from a file in your Grantable account.

Click the green New button in the upper right corner of the screen and select the option Extract from file.

Select the file and your numbers will appear once they have finished processing.

Only numbers you choose to add will be saved.

Edit and delete numbers

Once created, you have the option of editing the Names and Values of any numbers, and to delete them too.

Referencing numbers in documents

To reference data from your Numbers section, navigate to the editor view of any document you are working on.

Place the cursor where you'd like to insert and number and use your keyboard to create the # (shift + 3) or the # icon in the toolbar to reveal your Numbers search.

Locate the number you wish to reference and click to insert it at the location of the cursor.

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